*2025 info will be updated as soon as we get the correct infomation.
All exhibitor information is listed below, but please feel free to contact us anytime at info@bennettevents.com with questions.
You can supply your own booth items but we will have an excellent decorator/supplier available through Modern Expo. Your booth is simply your space with black piper and drape (8' back wall and 3' sides) and Modern can supply everything else except internet connections (see below). Click here for the 2024 Exhibitor Kit. Many commonly ordered items include draped tables, chairs, carpet and electricity. You may bring in your own booth items as well.
* Material handing fees are expensive. Be sure to know the costs before you ship or receive anything on site at the show.
Internet (wired or wireless) is available solely through the Mountain America Expo Center. The easiest way to order is to log-in to the service right at the event by choosing "Vendor Floor Premium" in the network options and follow the instructions. Cost is $60/day per device. If you would like to order by phone please call 385-468-2260. You can also order ahead online using this link (cost is the same). Presenters may need to arrange internet for presentations.
Electricity is available through the show supplier Modern Expo (above). Please see the exhibitor packet. Pre-ordered electrical is around $110.
We are fortunate in Utah to not have a lot of set-up and design regulations. Here are a few show rules:
* All booth amenities must be within the allotted space (nothing in the isles) unless pre-approved.
* Anything deemed unsafe in the opinion of the show organizer (such as tipping hazards) will be required to change.
* Solid side walls on your booth may not extend farther than halfway to the front of the booth. This is so we don't block the view to each other as visitors walk down the aisle. Some shows have designated "full wall" booth areas.
* The provided drape rods will support normal banners but in general are not to be used as booth support.
* Helium balloons can be used, but only if they are attached securely to your booth. Please do not hand out helium balloons.
Parking is pretty good at MAEC and free in many lots. Trailers are okay to leave overnight in what they call the "North Lot" (see Exhibitor parking map here). But you must purchase a pass to leave trailers in the back loading dock area ($40).. General public parking map here.
We have learned from several exhibitors they are receiving scam emails offering attendee lists for purchase. Please be aware these offers are fraudulent. These scammers do not have any relationship with Pinners or Bennett Events and they do NOT have the data they are attempting to sell. Scams may also include fake invoices and hotel booking scams. Do not interact with these. Our emails are from bennettevents.com. We are a permission-based email sender. We do not share, rent or sell our email lists. Please be on guard! Spammers are known to impersonate employees and illegally use show logos.
Advanced shipping and/or material handling can be coordinated through Modern Expo Services. Please see the above mentioned Exhibitor Packet for rates and instructions. Please pre-check your costs so you are aware of the charges.
Set-up is Wednesday, November 5th between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Call or e-mail for early set-up times.
Take-down is anytime after 7 p.m. (to 11 p.m.) on Saturday evening. No early take downs!
If you would like a custom promo code that you can give to friends and followers for $5 off any tickets online, please request it here.
You can find information about our great 2025 host hotels by following this link. Make sure to book through the link to receive our Pinners rate. Or if calling in, make sure to mention the Pinners Room Block in order to get our rate.
This is a great way to get exposure at VIP night. We will be having some fun activities for our attendees to earn raffle tickets by completing. We will be drawing raffle tickets and announcing the giveaways and winners towards the end of the party.
Contributing an item to the swag bag is an opportunity to get your brand and products even more exposure to this amazing audience (please no coupons/flyers). The Thursday before the show begins (after setup) we host a VIP party for our most loyal attendees, local bloggers and trendy influencers. Each VIP attendee will receive a SWAG BAG that you can contribute to for free! You will need to bring 350 items with you to setup Thursday morning, and we’ll take care of the rest.
If you'd like to participate, please contact Darienne Bennett, e-mail her here.
The Mountain America Expo Center does not allow giving away drinks, including water, at their shows. If you are dealing with any food items (except candy bowls) at the show, you'll need to apply with Sodexo. Click here for the application to sell/sample from your booth. Please send it back to amber.bailey@sodexo.com Extra charges may apply. Anyone preparing and serving food at the event will also require a Temporary Food Service Permit with the Health Department. Food vendors should contact the health department at 385-468-3845 or apply for your Temporary Food Service Permit using THIS LINK. Prepackaged candy bowls are fine of course.
The state of Utah requires a Utah State Temporary Sales Tax form filled out for those selling merchandise or services. Please fill out this form and return it to specialevent@utah.gov or fax the application to 801.297.6359. For any questions contact the Special Events Unit for a temporary license at (801) 297-6303 or at 1-800-662-4335, ext. 6303
We're excited at the Pinners Conference to do extensive marketing. It includes a media-wide campaign including all local TV stations, I-15 billboards, I-15 poster boards and city billboards, magazine, newspaper, ticket distribution points, national DIY and craft organizations, women's group email campaigns, state-wide print promotion and of course many of the nation's most popular bloggers and electronic media and social media.
Booth space is available by contacting Pinners at info@bennettevents.com. Booths are 10' x 10' and 8' x 10' and generally run $1199. Bennett Events is a leader in connecting businesses with their custom audience.
To download this year's Media Kit with information about exhibiting at Pinners UT, click here.
Modern Expo can help with many items and services as seen here in our 2024 Exhibitor Kit. New kit coming soon.
Trade shows are consistently the #1 marketing return on investment among all options.
If you need graphics to help you promote the show, please click for a higher resolution version. Then drag & drop to your desktop.